Education Verification

Verify your applicant's educational history by verifying their degree, diploma, general educational development (GED) test completion, or current enrollment status

Verifying education history as part of your background screening process can be a time-consuming task for most employers. Our ECS Verification team can help verify education history directly with the institution or through their authorized agents. An Education Verification confirms the start date of education and end date of education, enrollment status if the current education program is not yet complete, and the level of the degree/diploma received with the institution.

Education verification services conducted by ECS will help verify the educational history provided by your applicant, giving you greater confidence that they have the appropriate qualifications you require for the role you are seeking to fill.

Why Is Education Verification Important?

When you conduct education verification for employment, you can be confident that you’re hiring the people with the right knowledge and skills for your organization. Our degree verification services confirm that the candidate in question actually has the expertise and abilities specified in his or her resume.

With the help of our GED verification and related services, there should be no discrepancies between what applicants say about their education and the truth. Having our graduation verification services on your side means you won’t have to worry about hiring someone without the necessary skills for the job, preventing wasted time, loss of productivity and even liability claims.

Verification Options

  • verified through an authorized agent like the National Student Clearinghouse
  • verified directly with the academic institution or school that issued the diploma, degree, or GED
  • verified through supporting documentation provided by your applicant.

-copies of the listed degree/diploma

-official school transcripts with verified logos and signatures

-verified through an authorized third-party agent like Transcript Network, Credentials eScrip-Safe, CeDiploma, etc.

Average Turn-Around Time

1-3 Business Days based on the responsiveness of the contacted source